10-minute flat band exercise with kori power

*Before beginning this or any other exercise program, you should always consult with your doctor or physician.

Trainer: Kori Power

30 seconds on, 30 second rest

Seated row
1. While seated with legs straight out, place flat band around bottom on your feet.
2. Keep chest forward and elbows tuck to your sides.
3. Drive elbows back behind you and squeeze shoulder blades together,
4. Hold for a count and return to starting position.

Standing lateral tricep extensions
1. Start by standing and holding flat bands in hands with a slight bend in knees and a tight core.
2. With palms facing down, bring them up to your chest at shoulder level.
3. Extend elbows out laterally and squeeze your tricep and hold for a count.
come back to starting position and repeat.

Standing rear delt fly
1. Start by standing and holding flat bands in hands with a slight bend in knees and a tight core.
2. With palms facing down, bring palms to shoulder level with your arms straight out in-front of you.
3. While keeping a slight bend in your elbow, drive your hands out laterally to forma T shape with your body.
4. Squeeze you shoulder blades together and hold for a count.
5. Return to starting position and repeat.

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